
Created by SPEARHEADRAMPANCY.sys (ToraNine09#8501)

Version 1.2c - 26/02/2024

IMPORTANT: This tool is still in development. If you happen to find this tool by chance, it is strongly recommended that you do not use it. As of version 1.2c, the tool updates no data, instead outputting the selected settings in the log.

[V1.2] + Added dynamic form to prepare for new operation modes
[V1.1] ~ Changed tool name (Previously PKATAP), other minor changes
[V1.0] + Made the tool

About this tool

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What is this tool for?

PK[Av-PAv] is short for PluralKit[Avatar-Proxy Avatar].

This tool allows you to copy and swap your system's members' Avatars and Proxy Avatars.

What is a proxy avatar?

The proxy avatar is a relatively new feature to PluralKit.

Previously, it was only possible for members registered in PluralKit to have a single avatar which would be set using the pk;member <name> avatar command. For clarity, this tool will refer to these avatars as "Base Avatars". The base avatar would then appear in the main avatar space at the top of the member card as well as being used when the proxy was used in Discord chats, unless the member had a Server Avatar set.

Now, you can set a special proxy avatar that appears in the chat, while having a seperate avatar that is the main photo on the member card. These new proxy avatars are set using the pk;member <name> proxyavatar command.

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Why was the tool made?

We started making this tool when the Proxy Avatar feature released, because we wanted to make all of out current base avatars into proxy avatars instead. The initial version of the tool only copied all Base Avatar links to the member's Proxy Avatar link, but after seeing discussion from others, we figured we could do more with this tool.

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How do I use this tool?

Enter your 64 alphanumeric character API Token, and 5 letter System ID in the boxes below and click on the "Go" button. You can get your system's API token by running the command pk;token in the PluralKit bot. When copying the code, make sure that you have exactly 64 alphanumeric (letters and numbers only) characters copied, with no spaces before or after. Some devices will add a space around the text and the tool will not work if these are included in the box below.

NOTICE: When you click "Go", the tool will overwrite the "proxy avatar" for every member, even if they are private or do not have proxy tags set. If you have existing proxy avatars that you want to save, you need to make a copy of these yourself first.

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Status: Not running.

When the tool is running, you will receive updates here.